Why competency-based surgery?
The organizations belonging to the Swiss College of Surgeons, need structured surgical training programs for young trainees to help them become familiar with the basic principles of surgery, and gain confidence in the care of patients who require surgical treatment. In future, the concept of competency-based medicine will be used to not only transfer knowledge, but also teach a broad spectrum of skills and abilities necessary to master the wide variety of problems encountered during daily clinical routine practice.. The article by Widmer et al. provides background information on this.
Request event
To have a training event recognized by the SCS, please fill out the form below and upload the program of your training event. Your request will be processed within 2 weeks and you will receive the decision by mail.
University education (medical studies) provides students with the basics of the medical profession and allows them to work independently in a hospital or medical practice after obtaining the federal medical diploma. If physicians wish to practice their profession independently, this requires a federal continuing education title.