The Core Surgical Curriculum is intended to harmonize the basic surgical training of the individual surgical specialties, affiliated with the SCS. The aim is to enable newcomers  to provide patient care on the wards, in the outpatient department and in emergencies. This includes knowledge of f pathophysiology, development of therapy concepts and assisting effectively during operations. The learning objectives and competencies to be acquired are summarized in the «White book CSC».

Further information on the CSC rules can be found here.


Click on the following link to register for the Core Surgical Curriculum.


The following link will take you to the free trial version of the Core Surgical Curriculum. Some modules are available for testing in the free trial version. If you would like access to the full version, you can register for a fee via the registration link above.


The content of the CSC focuses on "Clinical Reasoning". The program includes three components (Figure 1):

  1. e-learning: Four classes with up to 15 modules are given in the form of e-learning. These include a theory block, a series of clinical case studies, and finally multiple-choice questions. 

  2. Courses: Interactive training events are available on certain days and during  congresses, , or through webinars. Here important topics on patient care are covered both theoretically andpractically.

  3. In the hospitals: The clinical training facilities are encouraged to offer regular in-house courses and training for CSC graduates. With "Entrustable Professional Activities” (EPA’s), the acquired competencies are electronically recorded and monitored.


The CSC was deliberately written in English. This was done in accordance with the PROFILES learning objectives catalog of the medical school ( The basic exam, which is to be taken after the first two years, is also in English (