The Board of Directors is the governing and executive body of the SCS

It represents the company internally and externally and has rights and duties defined in the Articles of Association (Articles of Association Art. 18 - 21).




Prof. Dieter Hahnloser, MD



Secretary General SCS

Prof. Matthias Kurt Widmer, MD



Board member

Matteo Bernasconi, MD



Board member

Prof. Florian Dick, MD



Board member

Prof. Stefan Holland-Cunz, MD



Board member

Beat Möckli, MD



Board member

Prof. Thorsten Krüger, MD



Board member

Sabine Johanna Richarz, MD



Board member

Nadja Roth, MD



Board member

Silvia Schibli, MD



Board member

Prof. Christian Toso, MD



Board member

Prof. Frédéric Triponez, MD